So I talked to two different friends yesterday and they both were having issues with religion. The first is a couple that has attended a church for sometime and decided that they wanted to become members, when they attempted to join the church denied them because they are living together out of wedlock...so they then attempted to join another church here in town because they have attended bible studies there for a a while as well...not only were they denied at this organization as well, they were also told that they could never serve because they have lived together before marriage.
The second friend is one of the most amazing people I know and has the most amazing heart for the LORD. We have served together for years, and recently he has moved back to the area to plant a church and change a city for Jesus. This past week a local church in the city he is planting his ministry in had a meeting with all their people and stated that they could not serve in their church if they were going to help as volunteers with his ministry in the city. They had to choose one or the other...not just all change the city together.
In the first case, it is frustrating to me that in order to get saved all it requries is admitting that you are messed up and need help. Jesus never made anyone quit sinning to join his group...in fact he was surrounded by sinners, and prostitutes....so why is it that we think our "churches" should only be filled with "good" little christians while the ones who are struggling are left by the curb to fend for themselves.
In the secaond case, it breaks my heart that churches are so full of fear that they attack one another for doing good works instead of coming together united under Jesus and show the world what love really looks like. A spirit of religion has had a hold in our mentality for way to long. In both stories it is religion and control hiding under the name of Jesus to hurt and attack people. Maybe living togethe before marriage is wrong, but it is Holy Spirit's job to lead us to repentance, not a rule book...and if rebuilding homes for people with nothing in a small town is too much for another leader to handle, maybe he should look at his own heart, before attatcking anothers.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
- Matthew 5:13 -
The second friend is one of the most amazing people I know and has the most amazing heart for the LORD. We have served together for years, and recently he has moved back to the area to plant a church and change a city for Jesus. This past week a local church in the city he is planting his ministry in had a meeting with all their people and stated that they could not serve in their church if they were going to help as volunteers with his ministry in the city. They had to choose one or the other...not just all change the city together.
In the first case, it is frustrating to me that in order to get saved all it requries is admitting that you are messed up and need help. Jesus never made anyone quit sinning to join his group...in fact he was surrounded by sinners, and prostitutes....so why is it that we think our "churches" should only be filled with "good" little christians while the ones who are struggling are left by the curb to fend for themselves.
In the secaond case, it breaks my heart that churches are so full of fear that they attack one another for doing good works instead of coming together united under Jesus and show the world what love really looks like. A spirit of religion has had a hold in our mentality for way to long. In both stories it is religion and control hiding under the name of Jesus to hurt and attack people. Maybe living togethe before marriage is wrong, but it is Holy Spirit's job to lead us to repentance, not a rule book...and if rebuilding homes for people with nothing in a small town is too much for another leader to handle, maybe he should look at his own heart, before attatcking anothers.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
- Matthew 5:13 -
As christians we are suppose to LOVE others more than ourselves, and we are to be the flavor(salt) of God and love on the earth. If we loose our LOVE(saltiness) we are not good for anything. I ask us all today to examine our hearts and see if we are giving the world a true taste of Father God, or an unsalted version of religion...