Monday, February 22, 2010

The Prodigal Father

I have been thinking lately that Religion has titled the Parable Jesus told in Luke 15 as " The Prodigal Son" because a spirit Religion focuses on sin, and taking steps back and fourth, But if the defintion of Prodigal is someone who lives recklessly, spends lavishly, and extravagantly, to me that decribes our Father in heaven,who gave all, and continues to give reckless extravagent grace to sinners.

If we focus on the mistakes we make as people we will forget about the good work Daddy is doing in us all. Also if we look down and judge others for their struggles, we miss out on the joy and inhertance we live have available to us now. Above all Jesus wants us to be like the Father to this world...not holding anger or bitterness towards those who hurt us, and to give Prodigally to all those in need, especially the ones who have stumbled and need grace. We get to live like Father God and give reckless extravagant grace and love to all we meet!

Jesus was telling us about our Father, and how we should live, not a screw up kid who got lucky Daddy was in a good mood..GRACE TO ALL!!

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